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Working Safely With Compressed Air

Online learning programme

Compressed air is a safe and reliable form of power, widely used in industry and business.
Both employers and employees have a responsibility for safety in the workplace. Compressed air users must know how to work safely and understand the risks involved if good practice is not followed.
Undertaking this course will help fulfill employers' health and safety obligations and provide evidence by the online assessment that the individual has understood safe working practices and their responsibilities. To make users aware of safe working practices the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has developed this course in conjunction with safety practitioners in the field.

Course duration

1 Hour online study
20 Minutes final online test

Learning path progress

Study material download
One online study module
One final test
Pass certificate available in learner dashboard
Course expires 90-days after purchase if not completed

Further information

This BCAS course takes an hour to complete and covers the following subject areas:

  • Hazards of compressed air as an energy source
  • Hazards arising from various air tools, including noise, vibration, fumes, hoses and connectors etc
  • The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Employer and employee responsibilities with respect to Health and Safety when using compressed air
  • Specific hazards and risks associated with blow gun use
  • A list of safe working practices to be followed

A downloadable safety card is also provided with this course.

Available Pricing

Please log in or register a new account with us to see the available pricing for this course.

  1. Existing Members your company URL (in lower case) will be recognised and display the correct membership pricing.
  2. Customer of a BCAS member? Associate Members discounts may be available  for  you.
    1. See end user customer offer here
    2. Check BCAS Membership Directory for your supplier
    3. Email prior to booking for your discount authorisation
  3. Further assistance call 020 7935 2464

Multi-seat licences with group management facility for all BCAS courses are available upon request.

Contact us for further details
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