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Understanding Breathing Air (BS EN 12021)

Online learning programme

The course will guide you through the breathing air regulations and the provision of breathable air to be used by a person in the execution of a work-related task. A full understanding of standards BS EN 12021 and the legal requirements are vital.

A typical compressed air system, is in many instances the initial generator of air for the provision of breathing air.  Compressed air, however, is not clean as it contains many hazards in the form of contamination. In a typical compressed air system, there are 10 main contaminants that require treatment but please note that this rises to 15 if the compressed air is to be used for breathing air. These will require treatment if the breathing air system is to be used and operated safely.
The provision of suitable air for breathing purposes for operators is the responsibility of the employer. The importance of understanding the need for clean breathing air and the frequency of sampling and testing of its purity (quality) is critical whether you are a employer, supplier, consultant, service provider, or user of breathing air.

Course duration

1 Hour online study
20 minutes final online test

Learning path progress

Study material download
One online study module
One final test
Pass certificate available in learner dashboard
Course expires 90-days after purchase if not completed

Further information

This BCAS course takes an hour to complete and covers the following subject areas:

  • Identify the different types of compressed contamination found in breathing air
  • Identify the sources of compressed air contamination
  • Be aware of exposure limits and safety limits of the breathing air operation
  • Understand the different methods of breathing air measurement
  • Understand the different regulations and legislations relating to breathing air

A downloadable BCAS fact sheet 304  – Breathing Air is also provided with this course.

Available pricing

Please log in or register a new account with us to see the available pricing for this course.

  1. Existing Members your company URL (in lower case) will be recognised and display the correct membership pricing.
  2. Customer of a BCAS member? Associate Members discounts may be available  for  you.
    1. See end user customer offer here
    2. Check BCAS Membership Directory for your supplier
    3. Email prior to booking for your discount authorisation
  3. Further assistance call 020 7935 2464

Multi-seat licences with group management facility for all BCAS courses are available upon request.

Contact us for further details
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